Monday, April 03, 2006

“It seems you have traveled?”…

Yes, I have traveled! A beautiful holiday in Ghana! Ghana! Oh sweet Ghana! Land of peace, smiles, tree-top canopy walkways, palm lined golden beaches, butterflies the size of small birds, waterfalls, litter-bins, queuing systems, calabash trees, strange sticky fruits that make water taste like syrup even twenty minutes after eating.

…“So what did you bring for us?”

Hum…?….. My smile?….. My new sense of inner peace?….. My renewed motivation to try to get something done in this place?

Oh, and some icky Ghanaian chocolate with in-built no-melting mechanism that removes all flavour of chocolate and replaces it with that of soap. That’ll teach you to ask for something every time I so much as leave the hospital compound!!!